05 September, 2007


Originally uploaded by Missty
This cutie's name is actually Batman and I used Flickr to post this photo. Batman looks a lot like our Emily, and you can tell by the eyes that it's also a highly evolved creature. Love her anyway.

Thing 23

Sunrise, sunset, and finally- Thing 23! This was quite an experience. I knew there was a ton of stuff "out there", but 23 Things brought home sites that I'll use, especially Flickr Travel Planner and Library Thing. Although there are sites I don't plan on utilizing, I'm glad I did this project.

11 July, 2007

Thing 22 Audiobooks-dear to my heart, as a see an MP3 player in my near future. I visited and was impressed by NetLibrary, Overdrive, and Project Gutenburg. Very pleased to see that Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin was available. Good stuff.
Thing 21 Found out that a podcast was a non-musical audio or video broadcast distributed over the internet which uses MP3 file format. You just need a PC with headphones or a speaker.

02 July, 2007

Thing 20. Explore YouTube. Had a hard time choosing a worthwhile video. This is a site that requires discretion and perseverance to get through so much material, as much of it is not of interest.
Thing 19 Discover any site from the 2.0 Awards List. Visited Lulu, which allows users to self-publish, and Library Thing which helps create a library-quality catalog of books. Both seems easy enough to use (with persistance, in my case), and the disadvantage might be so many offerings. I would thing Library Thing would be of great use in cataloging.

01 July, 2007

Thing 18 Online Applications and Tools. Looked at Zoho Writer and Google Doc's and found out these sites could be used for word processing/spreadsheets and also to add to a blog. We'll see.
Thing 17 Wiki's. This was easy to do, and this venue seems a great way for groups to share info.

29 June, 2007

Thing 16 Wikis-websites that share info & files. Useful for staff intranets as staff can share ideas and edit files together
Thing 15 Library 2.0. OK, now I get it. One of the reasons that HCPL offered the 23 Things Program was to make us more aware that the "library" can't be just a building, and that change is here, and the the future of the system will accommodate it's users in that change.
Thing 14 Did searches for Learning 2.0, top favorited blog, top searches & top blogs, and noted the great variety of subjects covered.
Thing 13 Checked out Del.icio.us and found that this is a popular usage for those using several computer sites which will allow them to access their materials. Sounds good. Several posts commented on the advantages while doing research.

28 June, 2007

Thing 12 Rollyo-a very efficient way to keep current medical sources in my place-my blog!

27 June, 2007

Thing 11 Accessed Library Thing to list some of my favorites.
Thing 8,9 & 10 Although I had accessed Merlin before this exercise, I was now aware of the "behind the scenes" machinations that produced it. Bloglines was especially interesting, as I feel I can use that often.Checked out generator blog sites.
Week 3 Thing 7. Checked out MP3 Players: interested in audio downloads.
Week 3 Thing 6 Visited Flickr mash-ups and Third Party Sites. Really impressed with Flickr Travel Planner, and viewed pictures and sites we wish to visit in Washington soon. The site was very informative regarding travel info. I'm beginning to warm to this.

26 June, 2007

Thing 5 Flickr. Much fun picking out a theme picture. Patches, patchwork of life, get it? Well, I liked it.
Thing 3 & 4 Set up and register a blog. Easier said than done in my case! I had loads of problems doing this, but since I like working with colors, I'm pleased with the result. Still having difficulty getting the picture where I want it (up higher on page), but I'm still working on it.

23 Things. Thing 1 &2

Week 1 Intro-seems harmless enough. Should be doable. From habits of successful learners, keeping the end goal in mind has always been an incentive for me. Keeping up with technology is difficult because technology is snowballing to the point that I feel we're dealing with an avalanche!