05 September, 2007


Originally uploaded by Missty
This cutie's name is actually Batman and I used Flickr to post this photo. Batman looks a lot like our Emily, and you can tell by the eyes that it's also a highly evolved creature. Love her anyway.

Thing 23

Sunrise, sunset, and finally- Thing 23! This was quite an experience. I knew there was a ton of stuff "out there", but 23 Things brought home sites that I'll use, especially Flickr Travel Planner and Library Thing. Although there are sites I don't plan on utilizing, I'm glad I did this project.

11 July, 2007

Thing 22 Audiobooks-dear to my heart, as a see an MP3 player in my near future. I visited and was impressed by NetLibrary, Overdrive, and Project Gutenburg. Very pleased to see that Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin was available. Good stuff.
Thing 21 Found out that a podcast was a non-musical audio or video broadcast distributed over the internet which uses MP3 file format. You just need a PC with headphones or a speaker.